Best Australian Blogs 2012 Part 7

I was glad to see that all the Black Dogs had gone away when I called in to Sprite’s Site to check on her campaign for The Sydney Writers’ Centre Best Australian Blogs 2012 competition
Click on the picture to see an enlargement of it.
Ginger Pony,   Pugnacious Loyola   and Intellectual Dabrowski were present to witness Sprite making a fuss of the launch of my next project, the writing of an e-book about the family life of the Tweet family. This was prompted by a discussion with friends on Facebook and I am looking forward to starting work on it soon. Caramel Cat has been present at all the campaign events but has limited participation to basking in a sunny spot.

You can vote for Sprite’s Site (and as many other great Australian blogs as you like) by clicking on the Vote for Me button in the sidebar of the blog but you can only vote once: so be sure to make the vote count. Sprite’s Site is on Page 4 O-S.

If you have entered Sprite’s Site by following a link to a specific post you will need to click on the title on the blue Sprite’s Site header to see the sidebar.

Best Australian Blogs 2012 Part 6

I returned after a rather frustrating and disappointing day in the real world to visit Sprite and check on the progress of her Cultural Exchanges event which she was holding as part of her campaign for The Sydney Writers’ Centre Best Australian Blogs 2012 competition
Click on the picture to see an enlargement of it.

The events seemed to be going well.
Arachnid had JPEG ged a web to the banners and was giving a demonstration of web spinning in the style of E.B. White’s Charlotte’s web.
Hieronymouse Bosch, one of the mice from the skirting board of Sprite’s Site, was painting a mouseterpiece.

The Lobster Lolly Lobbing competition was in full swing and the Lobster Lewis Carollers were performing a Lobster Quadrille

I noticed that P’est Pour Parfait, the perfectionist poodle, was keeping a critical eye on the event.
“That web message is not animated enough. It needs to be an animated GIF to get the message across properly!” he grumbled.

And then I noticed that a few of the Black Dogs were trying to sneak in and cast a shadow over the event.
“I know why SAD Seasonally Affected Black Dog is here” I said “I was drenched in a rain shower on the way home. But where is his cheery pink parasol?”
“It blew away!” said Sprite.
“And I can sympathize with little Thinks He’s An Alien Black Dog” I said “ I felt like that a bit today; when people that I really thought would understand gifted and 2E students just did not understand at all and dismissed what I was saying as irrelevant”
“I feel like that often!” said Sprite. “And I hope Guard on Duty Black Dog will not scare away my visitors!”

“Why is Wistful here?” I asked

“He just wishes that Sprite’s Site had been listed as a Finalist in the Best Australian Blogs 2012 competition” Sprite replied.
“As do we all!” I said “Tell him to build a bridge and get over it.”
I was happy that Sprite and I had already discussed some strategies for building resilience when faced with disappointments
See  Revitalization and resilience
and Appreciation coaching
and I also found an article at  

“We still have more events to stage before the People’s Choice voting closes on 9 May 2012. “ I said “And we are having a lot of fun with the campaign!”

“It IS fun” agreed Sprite

You can vote for Sprite’s Site (and as many other great Australian blogs as you like) by clicking on the Vote for Me button in the sidebar of the blog but you can only vote once: so be sure to make the vote count. Sprite’s Site is on Page 4 O-S.

If you have entered Sprite’s Site by following a link to a specific post you will need to click on the title on the blue Sprite’s Site header to see the sidebar.

Best Australian Blogs 2012 Part 5

The next event arranged by Sprite for her campaign in The Sydney Writers’ Centre Best Australian Blogs 2012 competition is an exhibition of her shoes.
Click on the picture to see an enlargement of it.

“I could understand you doing that if you were Imelda Marcos” I said “but do you really think people want to look at your shoes?”

“I am going to give a lecture about the De Bono 6 Action Shoes to go with it!” Sprite explained rather indignantly “and I have put a cheese platter for them on the table”

“I want people to really understand me  as I am asking them to vote for me”

“If you want to see what I am going to say in the lecture have a look at
Feetspeak 2E Shoes page on Gifted Resources website at

Casting Sprite’s education in a new form?

Picnic at the Intersection

“And anyway,” added Sprite “The Memory Elephant wanted to wear his DeBono Combination 6 Thinking Hat

You can vote for Sprite’s Site (and as many other great Australian blogs as you like) by clicking on the Vote for Me button in the sidebar of the blog but you can only vote once: so be sure to make the vote count. Sprite’s Site is on Page 4 O-S.

If you have entered Sprite’s Site by following a link to a specific post you will need to click on the title on the blue Sprite’s Site header to see the sidebar.

In MY day reprise


“You are overstimulating those Tweetlets” declared Great Aunt Hashtag.
“Their behaviour is simply atrocious – like a pair of galahs!
In MY day we kept Tweetlets quiet and filled them with food and lulled them with Nesty Rhymes until their wings were ready for flight; then we pushed them over the edge of the nest and some of them survived. It’s called Natural Selection!”

Tweetelle started to cry.

“Stop blubbering, chickee!” said Great Aunt Hashtag “Retweet, you need to be firmer with those Tweetlets. You don’t want people to think they came out of a bad egg!”

It was not long after Great Aunt Hashtag’s visit that Tweetelle began having nightmares and being sure that there was a monster lurking in the bottom of the nest, ready to spring up when she least expected it, to select her and push her over the edge.
She said it looked like a mean jack in a box bird and it was called THE NATRAL.

Retweet organised  glow worm night lights for the Tweetlets and booked a nest visit appointment with the Psych Owl ogist

Marking time to the beat of their own drum

Tweet and Retweet followed the advice of the Infant Welfare sister and sought to provide enrichment activities for the Tweetlets.
They hired some musical instruments to see whether the Tweetlets would enjoy playing before investing large amounts on purchasing instruments.

And they set up a telescope for stargazing and an easel for painting which Tweetelle really enjoyed using.

But Tweetil kept on squawking “I’m bored! I want to go out and bounce with the dog!”
(The bouncing dog was Psycho Motor Dabrowski who was very eager to see the Tweetlets flying and came and bounced at the foot of the tree every day.)

So Arachnid installed a mini trampoline inside the nest.

The Flight 101 theory lessons continued and arts and crafts were incorporated.
They made leaf planes and seed helicopters and watched them fly. Tweetelle loved making leaf planes and even painted them different colours so they could play ‘See whose plane flies further’.

But Tweetil just wanted to fly himself!

Friends who visited the Tweet family during this time were very critical of the Tweets’ parenting. Some accused them of being ‘helicopter parents’ and hovering around their Tweetlets all the time like hummingbirds at a flower. Others accused them of ‘hot-housing’ and said that they were pushing the Tweetlets too hard.
Tweet and Retweet were filled with dread when Great Aunt Hashtag notified them of her intention to pay them another visit.

They replicated Galileo’s experiment by dropping seeds and nuts and feathers of different sizes and weights from the nest to learn about gravity and terminal velocity.

Psycho Motor Dabrowski suggested to Tweetil that the Galileo experiments could be made more interesting and enjoyable by aiming to hit a specific target with the nuts.
“You get one point for hitting that leaf, five points for it landing in a puddle,” said Psycho Motor “fifty points if it lands in a puddle and splashes someone and one hundred points if you can splash the old bird with the walking frame!”

You don’t need to be Imaginational Dabrowski to guess what happened next!

Flight School hits the Asynchrony speed bump

The Tweetlets were moving rapidly through the theory sections of Flight 101 and Arachnid  had set up the Web for them. But they were not having much success with the practical exercises.
They had mastered Flap – Flap – Flap but were not able to get enough power to get any lift when they jumped. (The course notes advised that they should only practice Flap – Flap – Jump inside the nest until they could get enough lift to Feel the Thermal and until they had covered Landing Procedures.)

Retweet was very concerned that the Tweetlets had reached a plateau and were not progressing and consulted the Maternal and Infant Welfare sister. She was surprised to find that the Tweetlets were in fact ahead of the expected development in several areas.
But the wise sister advised that the Tweetlets’ wing feathers were not yet sufficiently developed to allow flight. She informed Retweet that most Tweetlets that age had not even started the Flight 101 subject and were still listening to Nesty Rhymes. She was concerned to know whether the Tweetlets knew the most common Nesty Rhyme

Twitter, twitter little bird
How I wonder what you’ve heard
Sitting in your cosy nest
Eating food that you like best
Twitter, twitter little bird
How I wonder what you’ve heard

Retweet assured the wise sister that she and Tweet had sung the Nesty Rhymes to the Tweetlets often in the past when the Tweetlets could not go to sleep; and that they not only knew the rhymes but had grown so tired of hearing them that they had invented their own variations of them.

Twitter, twitter little bird
Let me tell you what I heard
Beyond the nest a world awaits
With wondrous sights and prospect gates
Twitter, twitter little bird
Let me tell you what I heard.

The wise sister expressed concern that singing variations of the Nesty Rhymes without sufficient repetition of the original and without authorisation from the education authorities  would cause confusion for the Tweetlets and that at least 10 repetitions were needed for mastery.
Retweet said that she thought the Tweetlets were quite bright because they had been able to recite the original after hearing it only two times and became bored with it after five repetitions.

Fortunately the wise sister was familiar with the notion that very young Tweetlets could already be displaying signs of giftedness and gave Retweet an article titled Bright versus Gifted from  to read.

She also stressed the Asynchronous Development of the gifted and cautioned that the Tweetlets may be physically unable to put into practice the things they were able to understand. Only time would provide the growth and development of their flight feathers which would to allow them to fly.

In the meantime the wise sister suggested perhaps they could provide some musical enhancement opportunities for the Tweetlets.

Flight school with “help” from the Dabrowski dogs

Ever since the Dabrowski dogs met the Tweet family they have taken a great interest in the development and education of the Tweetlets, Tweetil and Tweetelle.
So, of course, they were keen to help with the Flight 101 studies.

Psycho Motor Dabrowski was eager to get straight to the practical application part of the course and called out to Tweetil “Go on! You can do it! It’s easy! Flap – Flap – Jump – Flap – Flap – Flap!”

But Intellectual Dabrowski intervened with “No, there is more to learn before you start the practical sessions.
You must learn about avian anatomy and physiology and aerodynamics, thermodynamics and wind currents; and it would be interesting to learn about human attempts to simulate flight and the history of aviation and robotics and manned space flights and…”

At this point Psycho Motor lost patience with Intellectual and called out to Tweetil “You can learn all that stuff later. Just do it! Flap – Flap – Jump – Flap – Flap – Flap!”

As Tweetil began to move to the edge of the nest and flap his wings, Intellectual called out, more urgently this time, “Wait! You haven’t learnt about how to land yet!”
He breathed a sigh of relief as Tweetil stepped back from the edge.

Sensual Dabrowski sat and scratched his head. He was remembering his ride through cyberspace on the cyberbike and the unpleasant sensations that accompanied that ride
He remembered the wind blowing in his face and whistling in his ears and that the motion made him feel queasy. He felt sure that the sunlight would be too bright if you were flying in daylight.

He stated that the Tweetlets should be wearing flight suits with tinted goggles to protect their eyes, ear muffs to keep the cold wind out of their ears and extra padding in their nappies in case of a bumpy landing.

Imaginational Dabrowski, who had been talking to Tweetelle about all the wonderful things she would be able to see when she was flying, could not resist adding to the discussion about flight suits with a suggestion that they could wear life jackets in case they had to ditch in the ocean. This is what Imaginational thought they would look like wearing the life jackets, goggles and ear muffs.

Emotional Dabrowski, who has taken on a caring, empathetic, motherly role to the Tweetlets, put back her lovely head and howled inconsolably at the thought of her precious Tweetlets ditching in the vast cold ocean.

Imaginational apologised for having caused concern but pointed out that everyone needed to imagine possible consequences and called on Intellectual to produce some reassuring statistics about the comparative safety of flying as a mode of transport.

Intellectual was happy to oblige and said that this demonstrated very powerfully that much further theory needed to be studied before any practical flight sessions were attempted.
“For example” said Intellectual, with a tone of authority in his voice, “it is absolutely essential for the Tweetlets to have a complete grasp of vector co-ordinates and Newtonian physics, particularly the laws of velocity, gravity and terminal velocity before they attempt to fly.
But I can give reassurance that landing is definitely easier and more graceful for Twitter birds than it is for the Blue Footed Boobie!”

Having his fears about possible disasters somewhat allayed, Imaginational returned to suggesting to Tweetelle thoughts of the wonder of being able to fly high enough to see the fields and rivers set out like a patchwork quilt and to see patterns that would not be apparent from close up observation on the ground.

“Oh yes, and they need to study fractals and Chaos Theory as well!” added Intellectual.

Flight School


The Tweet family have decided to use NEST ED – Nest Education System of Training for educating the Tweetlets, Tweetil and Tweetelle.

They are very fortunate to have contact with HEN – Home Education Network and regularly read their excellent magazine, Otherways

They have found great ideas on some homeschooling blogs

Building Wing Span

Defying gravity

This week the Tweet family embarked on the very important subject FLIGHT 101

Best Australian Blogs 2012 Part 4

As promised, here is the concert performance by the full company of the  current Twitter Bird Band as an event for the campaign for Sprite’s Site in the The Sydney Writers’ Centre Best Australian Blogs 2012 competition
Click on the picture to see an enlargement of it.

There are a number of groups within the Twitter Bird Band
The  German Oompah  quartet
The Greek Wedding musicians
The Irish musicians
The Baby Grand Piano players, Tweetchers Petz, the drum kit ensemble and lone Scottish Piper, Angus Mc Tvitter
The Carol singers  and Little Drummer Boy
The Twitter Bird with the wheelbarrow is bringing cds to Sprite asking for help to sort, collate and compile their Christmas carol albums

You can vote for Sprite’s Site (and as many other great Australian blogs as you like) by clicking on the Vote for Me button in the sidebar of the blog but you can only vote once: so be sure to make the vote count. Sprite’s Site is on Page 4 O-S.

If you have entered Sprite’s Site by following a link to a specific post you will need to click on the title on the blue Sprite’s Site header to see the sidebar.

Nappies on Tweetlets

“How long will the Tweetlets be wearing nappies?” Sprite asked me.

My first thought was to reply “As long as they look cute wearing them!”

But then I realised it was a very good question which raised a number of issues and my quick flippant response was not a very satisfactory answer.

It begged the question “Why do the Tweetlets wear nappies anyway?”
Answer 1: “Because it looks cute and shows that they are the baby birds.”
Answer 2: “For the same reason as adult Twitter birds wear Easter bonnets and Melbourne Cup Day hats and fascinators”

And, of course, that line of questioning led us straight back to our discussion of anthropomorphism which began with Sprite’s question “Is Babar supposed to be an elephant? See Elephants in the Waiting Room

The second line of thought was ‘I could use this question as a starter for a discussion about toilet training and give some useful references to parenting blogs, such as Raising Children Network’
and also Sue Larkey’s Toilet Training Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

This second line of thought also brought to mind the asynchronous development of gifted children and these excellent articles on the subject

Davidson Institute for Talent Development article
Martha Morelock Giftedness the view from within

SENG article
Asynchronous Development by Jean Goerss

Giftedness as asynchronous development by Stephanie Tolan

And the third issue that Sprite’s question raised was that of the depiction of the passage of time (or lack of it) in Sprite’s Site blog.
We have celebrated the wedding of Tweet and Retweet and now seen them lay egglets and hatch the Tweetlets, Tweetil and Tweetelle. And presumably we will follow the progress of the Tweetlets as they learn to fly and then as they fly away on migrations.
Sprite’s appearance has changed a little during the last three years; but that is mainly due to variation in the drawing and in the tools I am using to create the images.
Sprite’s age does not change; despite the fact that the blog has celebrated two birthdays
She has always been the same undisclosed age and she is always depicted as having an injured left ankle and needing to wear different shoes on each foot to illustrate the concept that she needs different educational provisions for both her giftedness and her disability
So how do I reconcile the lack of consistency? Some characters on Sprite’s Site grow and change and some do not.
And how long will the Tweetlets be wearing nappies?