Traditions old and new

Do you remember that last week Wistful Black Dog and Imaginational Dabrowski were visiting the Tweet family?
Wistful Black Dog was looking back at the past and either missing the happy times or wishing that things could have been better in the bad times.
And Imaginational Dabrowski was looking forward to the future and imagining how perfect things could be especially if it could be on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Well since then Retweet has been thinking about traditions. Some of the activities the Tweet family usually participate in have not be possible this year.
For example Twitter Birds used to go A- May-Ing Camelot style every May.
They would dress up in medieval English costumes and go on picnics, gather flowers and dance around the Maypole. And flower sellers and McSeeds fast food vendors would peddle their wares from their barrows.
This year the May-Ing celebrations could not be held.

But the Tweet family have been doing new things some of which they have enjoyed so much that they would like to keep doing them after the restrictions are eased.

For instance they will probably still have Wrensday. It will be a happy memory of this time and become a new family tradition.

Retweet was very happy to see The Memory Elephant under their tree with a collection of pictures of the May-Ing festivities which they could enjoy.

Here are some of the pictures The Memory Elephant brought.

Tra-la it’s May 31 While the Tweets are away…

Tweet and Retweet returned, after spending a longer time than they had anticipated with the Psych Owl ogist, to find the nest full of flower petals and MacSeeds wrappers and no sign of the baby sitter.

Tweetil rushed straight up to Tweet with his wing tip extended for a high five and squawked “Yo, Knickerfeathers!”

Apparently the baby sitter’s boy friend had arrived, uttering that same greeting and bringing fast food and flower petals from the A-May-ING festivities, and insisted on taking the baby sitter out (only for a moment or two he had said two hours ago ) so that they could  go A-May-ING themselves.

“But it was alright – because we can see them through the telescope” said Tweetelle. “They are kissing each other lots and playing really funny games.”

Tweet and Retweet covered the Tweetlets eyes.
“Oh dear!” said Retweet.” We may have to have the ‘birds and the bees’ talk MUCH sooner than expected!”