New Year’s Eve

“I just knew you would be glad I didn’t pull out the thistles!” Sprite told me “Now Angus McTvitter is happy and we can celebrate New Year!”

“The Memory Elephant brought me a calendar for next year and said I really need to get organized and remember what day it is and when events will happen.”

“Did you make any other New Year’s Resolutions?” I asked.

“No” said Sprite “I asked the Dabrowski Dogs for help and they said they tried to do that last year!”

“But I have set up a table for you in the lobby.”

Boxing Day

In most states of Australia December 26th, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day.
The name originated from the custom of giving the contents of church collection boxes to the needy on the Feast of Stephen which is celebrated on 26th December.
It is also an appropriate name for the day after Christmas as the gifts received at Christmas and the trimmings for the Christmas table are being packed away in boxes.
It is a day when stores hold post Christmas sales and the Boxing Day test cricket series and the Sydney – Hobart ocean yacht races commence.

This year Sprite became so engrossed in the Twitter Birds preparations for Christmas that she was late in posting her Christmas wish list.
She cut out pictures of Investigator Grey Sneakers and Pillow Soft Pink Slippers from the De Bono’s Action Shoes collection catalogue, added “Thanks In Anticipation – Sprite” and pinned her note to the TV cabinet.
(These particular shoes also represent the programs she hopes to participate in during the next school year )

Unfortunately, it appears some people still do not really understand Sprite’s specific needs! She received a parcel containing pretty flowerprint shoes with impossibly high stiletto heels with a note saying “I know how much you love shoes, dear! Enjoy!”
Caramel Cat came running to play with the box but the Twitter Birds and Columbus Cheetah were horrified at the inappropriate nature of the contents.
“I can see I still have more myth-busting to do!” declared Columbus Cheetah.

“I might be able to get the shoes I want with the money I was given for Christmas at the Boxing Day Sales” Sprite said.

But Sensual Dabrowski piped up with “You really don’t want go to the Boxing Day Sales. Everybody crowds around the doors before the shops open. They queue up for hours beforehand and then they rush in and push and shove and snatch the bargains and people get knocked over. You would hate it – you wouldn’t be able to compete with all that hurly-burly! (And don’t even get me started about the neon lights and the noises and the smells!)

“OK,” said Sprite. “I’ll just sit here and watch the start of the Sydney – Hobart yacht race on TV and hope that I can get some Investigator Grey De Bono Sneakers and some Pillow Soft Pink De Bono Slippers in time for next year”

Looking forward, looking back

For the final #gtchat of the year 2011 Deborah Mersino will be encouraging us to look back at the year 2011 and forward to 2012. She has given the example with her Ingeniosus blog post 5 Gifts from 2011 5 Hopes for 2012 at

So, of course, the Memory Elephant was summoned to give an account of 2011 and the Dabrowski Dogs gathered round to give their interpretations.
Intellectual Dabrowski was very matter of fact about it. “If you want to know what Jo and Gifted Resources did during 2011 you should read the Activity Report at ”
I noticed that two extra dogs had joined in. Wistful Black Dog and P’est pour Parfait, the perfectionist poodle, had also arrived.
“Jo should have done a lot more things and she should have done them better!” said Parfait.
“It was just a really difficult year – a lot of stressful things happened” said Wistful and Emotional Dabrowski put back her head and howled inconsolably.
“But next year will be different and better” said Imaginational Dabrowski. “Jo is preparing for a move to the lovely seaside town of Rosebud and there will be a little bungalow at the back where she can have an office for Gifted Resources”
Emotional cheered up immediately and started  yelping with delight.
“I love the seaside!” said Sensual Dabrowski ” It smells great!”
Psycho Motor Dabrowski starting bouncing enthusiastically in anticipation.

“Sprite had a good year,” said Intellectual. “She participated in Survivor -Gifted Island and was nominated in the Best Australian blogs and went to parties and conferences”
“And we had a wonderful year!” chirped Twitter Birds Tweet and Retweet ” We celebrated our marriage in August!”
“They might have Tweetlets next year!” said Imaginational with a contented sigh.